IATI Datastore Classic

The classic version of the IATI Datastore, reloaded.

Checking Datastore status

Checking Datastore status...

Get the data

You can obtain data from IATI Datastore Classic in various formats.

You can choose to filter based on which organisation is reporting the information, where the activity is happening, and the activity’s sector. You can choose to output individual activities, transactions or budgets.

Choose your filters

These options let you filter IATI data, depending on what you are looking for. Additional filters are available by querying the datastore directly.

Specific activities

Search for specific activities using the IATI Identifier, Title or Description.

IATI Identifier
Search for an activity containing a specific IATI Identifier (similar to a project code).
Search for activities with titles containing the specified text.
Search for activities with descriptions containing the specified text.
Activity Status
Search for activities with only the specified activity status.

Reporting Organisation

The reporting organisation is the publisher of the IATI data.

Reporting Organisation Type
Select only a particular type of publisher’s data.
Reporting Organisation
Select only a particular publisher’s data (e.g. World Bank).


Choose the sector or sectors you are looking for.

Policy Marker

A policy or theme addressed by the activity, according to OECD DAC CRS policy markers.

Policy Marker
Policy Significance

Recipient country or region

Recipient country
Recipient region


Start date (after)
Start date (before)
End date (after)
End date (before)

How would you like to view this information?

These options allow you to configure the way in which your data is disaggregated, making different sorts of analysis possible.

Choose format
Choose sample size

CSV / XLSX Options

Choose breakdown
Repeat rows
